Kategori: Güvenlik Açıkları


The Ketchup Restaurant Reservations WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not sanitise and escape some of the reservation user inputs, allowing unauthenticated attackers to perform Cross-Site…

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The Ketchup Restaurant Reservations WordPress plugin through 1.0.0 does not validate and escape some reservation parameters before using them in SQL statements, which could allow…

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The package vuetify from 2.0.0-beta.4 and before 2.6.10 are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) due to improper input sanitization in the ‘eventName’ function within the…

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CVE-2022-3234 (vim)

Heap-based Buffer Overflow in GitHub repository vim/vim prior to 9.0.0483. Zafiyet ile ilgili Genel Bilgi, Etki ve Çözümleri için Devamını Oku Kaynak: National Vulnerability Database

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