CVE-2020-35762 (bloofoxcms)
bloofoxCMS is infected with Path traversal in the 'fileurl' parameter that allows attackers to read local files. Devamını Oku
bloofoxCMS is infected with Path traversal in the 'fileurl' parameter that allows attackers to read local files. Devamını Oku
Jact OpenClinic 0.8.20160412 allows the attacker to read server files after login to the the admin account by an infected 'file' GET parameter in '/shared/view_source.php'…
SQL Injection vulnerability in DedeCMS 5.7 via mdescription parameter to member/ajax_membergroup.php. Devamını Oku
Prototype pollution in Stampit supermixer 1.0.3 allows an attacker to modify the prototype of a base object which can vary in severity depending on the…
An issue was discovered in IdeBusDxe in Insyde InsydeH2O 5.x. Code in system management mode calls a function outside of SMRAM in response to a…
bloofoxCMS is infected with a CSRF Attack that leads to an attacker editing any file content (Locally/Remotely). Devamını Oku
bloofoxCMS is infected with Unrestricted File Upload that allows attackers to upload malicious files (ex: php files). Devamını Oku
bloofoxCMS is infected with XSS that allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary JS/HTML Code. Devamını Oku
bloofoxCMS is infected with a CSRF Attack that leads to an attacker editing any file content (Locally/Remotely). Devamını Oku
bloofoxCMS is infected with Unrestricted File Upload that allows attackers to upload malicious files (ex: php files). Devamını Oku